
インドの壮大な叙事詩が歌舞伎に! マハラジャモチーフの帯もおすすめ


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Bettyokoのきもの日記 第38回

歌舞伎座「芸術祭十月大歌舞伎」昼の部 「極付印度伝 マハーバーラタ戦記」


今月の昼の部で上演されているのは新作「極付印度伝 マハーバーラタ戦記」。 マハーバーラタといえば世界三大叙事詩に挙げられる古代インドの神話ですが、その物語が、何と歌舞伎になったのです。幕開けは、神々の住む場所。太夫さんの語る「ゆく河の流れは絶えずして…」という方丈記の一節が、悠久のガンジス川の流れを連想させます。居並ぶ神様は、まばゆい黄金のいでたち。歌舞伎の衣裳とはかけ離れたものでしたが、「仮名手本忠臣蔵」の大序のように、一人ひとりゆっくりと目を醒ましていく歌舞伎ファンには嬉しい演出との相乗効果で、新しいけれど歌舞伎を見ているという安心感はしっかり味わえます。


© 松竹


こちらは、10月18日(水)から松屋銀座で開催される、銀座の「きもの」市で、きものSalonのお店に登場予定の、夢訪庵さんの帯。その名も「マハラジャの行進」。エキゾティックなモチーフがきものの装いに昇華され、まさに今月の歌舞伎座観劇にぴったりの一本です。「極付印度伝 マハーバーラタ戦記」が大成功してインドへの凱旋公演が実現したら、この帯をしめて出かけたい…などと、夢のきものコーディネートプランも膨らみます。


Bettyoko’s Kimono Diary
Go to the theatre in Kimonos Vol.38
MAHABARATA SENKI (The War Chronicle of the Maharabata) in the matinee at Kabukiza Theatre

On one autumn day, I went to Kabukiza Theatre. MAHABARATA is now playing in the matinee this month. This story is based on an Indian myth and it is one of the three grand world epics. This time, it turns into the Kabuki play! In the opening of the play many gods in glittering golden costumes line up on the stage. The costumes are quite different from Kabuki’s one, but the play effect is directed in the typical pattern of the famous Kabuki plays just like a Chushingura. It delighted Kabuki goers, so Kabuki fan naturally get into the world of the new story. MAHABARATA is quite very long story. This time, the new Kabuki play featured the throne conflict between Karuna (son of the Sun God and human woman/played by Onoe Kikunosuke), the five bothers, and Princess Zuruyoda (played by Nakamura Shichinosuke). This play remind the audience which one can save the world from the edge of the end, pacifism or the power? It is always universal theme anywhere any times. The gods in the opening were in the gorgeous Indian costumes, but others, the five princes, Princess Zuruyoda are in the typical Kabuki costumes, Kimonos. As the stage effects, double hanamichi runway on the both side of the stage, the rotating stage, and suppon (special lift on the hanamichi runway) are full used, therefore the Indian story is completely transformed in Kabuki performance.

This is the 60th anniversary of India-Japan Cultural agreement. Onoe Kikunosuke (played the role of Karuna) visited India prior to the new Kabuki performance and took a photo of this poster on the river side of the Ganges. Japanese culture has been influenced in many aspects by India. This Indian story showing many gods their humanity and conflicts can be transformed to Kabuki play. That’s because it matches to the spiritual climate of Japan in which people worship a myriad of gods. Needless to say Indian fashion culture and its patterns have influenced Japan so much since the days of Shosoin (710−784) ,as Kimono lovers know it.

Pictured here is the obi (sash of Kimono),”the march of Maharaja” from the Kimono shop Muhoan. It will be on sale at the shop of Kimono Salon in the Ginza Kimono market which will be held at Matsuya Ginza from October 18. Its’ exotic motif is beautifully arranged to Kimono motif and it is a perfect obi for going to Kabuikiza Theatre this month. I start to have big dreams of nice Kimomo coordinates with this obi to see MAHABARATA in India as the triumphal performance after great success in Tokyo this time.

For more information about Ginza Kimono market, visit

The unit of Betty and Yoko
Betty; jewelry journalist, enjoys watching stages of Kabuki, Bunraku, Balllet, and so on. Yoko; lived in the U.S.A for 10 years. Loves to introduce Japanese culture to abroad. https://www.instagram.com/bettyoko.kbk/
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2025 / 01 / 30




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