
国立劇場「7月歌舞伎鑑賞教室」へ きものから日傘へのリメイクもご紹介


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とはいえ、梅雨明け前からのこの暑さ……。劇場へと向かう方々は、皆、日傘で日ざしを除けています。 そんな中、オリジナルの日傘をつくれる素敵な情報が載った本が出版されました。 

「一番わかりやすい きもののお手入れ&お直し」。 きものの洗い方、賢い収納のし方はもちろん、シミ抜きや染め直し、サイズ直しの知恵が満載。前回のこのコラムで中村雀右衛門さんの奥様にご紹介いただいた、通気性のよい「ヘチマの帯枕」のつくり方も載っています。 

そして注目したいのが、古い御召のきものを日傘にリメイクするアイデア。シミになったりサイズが合わなかったりして着ることができないお気に入りのきものが、こんな素敵な傘に生まれ変わるなんて! きものにはもちろん、洋服でのお出かけの際もアクセントにできそうですね。 


Bettyoko’s Kimono Diary
Go to the Theatre in Kimonos Vol.33
July program at the National Theatre
Kabuki performance for Beginners “ICHIJO OKURA MONOGATARI” 

July Kabuki performance for Beginners is now playing at National Theatre.
There is an introductory lecture, how to enjoy Kabuki, hosted one of young Kabuki actors at the opening of the performance. The price of ticket is reasonable, so it is recommendable performance for not only students but also all generation. 

The story is ICHIJO OKURA MONOGATARI (The Tale of Aristocrat Ichijo Okura). Bando Kamezo, Kabuki actor, lectures the audience about the relation of the characters before the performance, so it is easy for the audience to understand the development of the story. In this play Onoe Kikunosuke betrays his cool and intelligent image with acting the role of Ichijo Okura who is disguising a fool to hide his true plans in the depths of his heart. Kikunosuke’s father in law, Nakamura Kichiemon supervised his acting and Kikunosuke completely performs two different characters in the role of Okura. The audience applauded his perfect performance. 

National Theatre is within 10 minutes on foot from the Hanzomon station on subway. The new convenient exit which installed the elevator and escalator is available at the Kojimachi Ichome crossing from this month. But these days are so hot, and so many theatergoers walk under a parasol. The book which provides the information to make an original parasol was published. “Ichiban Wakariyasui Kimono-no Oteire & Onaoshi” (the simplest way to maintain and remake kimono) It contains rich information about the way to wash, keep, and alternate Kimonos. I especially want to pick up the idea that we can make a parasol from the old omeshi kimonos(a kind of silk material kimono). I found that we didn’t have to give up wearing a stained favorite Kimono because it can turn into a nice parasol! It matches with not only Kimono but also Western dress as an accent. The more a wise idea makes kimono life so enjoyable the more enjoyable we go to the theatre in Kimono. 

The unit of Betty and Yoko
Betty; jewelry journalist, enjoys watching stages of Kabuki, Bunraku, Balllet, and so on. Yoko; lived in the U.S.A for 10 years. Loves to introduce Japanese culture to abroad. https://www.instagram.com/bettyoko.kbk/
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2025 / 01 / 18




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2025 / 01 / 18
