• きものダイアリー
  • 今月の筋書は、大野逸男氏による桜の絵。歌舞伎座 四月大歌舞伎「奴道成寺」へ


今月の筋書は、大野逸男氏による桜の絵。歌舞伎座 四月大歌舞伎「奴道成寺」へ


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そんな、きもののお洒落にも応用できそうなブローチを、青山の骨董通りにある「TOMOKO KODERA」のコンセプトショップで見つけました。

ジュエリーデザイナーの小寺智子さんは、ジュエリー界のオスカーと言われるダイヤモンドジュエリーのデザインコンテストである「HRD AWARDS 2015インターナショナルダイヤモンドジュエリーコンペティション」日本人唯一のグランプリを受賞された方。 ひとひらの花びらが髪や肩に舞い降りた瞬間の記憶をテーマにした新作コレクション「a moment」の中に、まさに“散り際の桜”を象ったブローチを見つけました。 三分紐の帯締めに通せば、この季節にぴったりの帯留に。 


Bettyoko’s Kimono Diary
Go to the Theatre in Kimonos Vol.26
April Grand Kabuki YAKKO DOJOJI(The Foot Soldier at Dojoji Temple)in the evening show at Kabukiza Theatre

I went to see April Grand Kabuki on the first performance day.

In the evening show, I enjoyed gorgeous plays in which the great Kabuki stars, Nakamura Kichiemon, Onoe Kikunosuke and Sakata Tojuro performed, and the last performance YAKKO DOJOJI concluded the evening show. 

YAKKO DOJOJI is a variation of MUSUME DOJOJI(The Maiden at Dojoji Temple), the most famous of all Kabuki dances, and features a character who reveals himself to be a man instead of the maiden in original. This play is the one of the Forty-Eight Selective plays of Ichikawa Ennosuke III which Ichikawa family passed on generation to generation. Especially, this time the popular Kabuki dancer, Ichikawa Ennosuke performed this play, so I was so excited.

When the curtain fell, the stage appeared with full of the cherry blossoms. Hanako (played by Ennosuke) in the bright red kimono costume caused stir among the audience. In the highlight, Ennosuke showed his dance ability to the full. He begun to perform with three masks representing three characters and the audience couldn’t take their eyes off his perfect performance. I felt as if I’d had the gorgeous time of the cherry blossom viewing through the stage. 

This month’s playbill of Kabukiza Theatre has the cover picture of the cherry blossom by the painter, Itsuo Ono. One of the plays in the matinee is the story of the cherry blossom viewing. 

It is the season of cherry blossom. However, among the kimono experts I often heard that it is too late to wear the cherry blossom designed kimono in the blooming season. It is fashionable for kimono lovers to pick up the leading design of the season. I found the elegant brooch at TOMOKO KODERA concept shop in Aoyama. Tomoko Kodera, the jewelry designer, was the winner of the grand prix in“HRD AWARDS 2015 international diamond jewelry competition” as only one Japanese. I found the brooch shaping the falling cherry blossom in her new collection “a moment”. In this line, the jewelry captures the moment of a single petal softly landing on one’s hair or shoulder. It is perfect brooch on the obi (belt of kimono) in this season. 

In the boutique, they served us some sweets with cherry tea, and I indulged in remembering of the Kabuki play. 

The unit of Betty and Yoko
Betty; jewelry journalist, enjoys watching stages of Kabuki, Bunraku, Balllet, and so on. Yoko; lived in the U.S.A for 10 years. Loves to introduce Japanese culture to abroad. https://www.instagram.com/bettyoko.kbk/
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2025 / 01 / 19




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2025 / 01 / 19
