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当日は、この冬一番の寒さだったこともあり、皆さんコートや道行、ストール、手袋などで防寒もばっちり。 同行した友人の、道行とバッグ、草履がお揃いで素敵だったので写真を撮らせてもらいました。


Bettyoko’s Kimono Diary
Go to the Theatre in Kimonos Vol. 22
New Year Asakusa Kabuki at Asakusa Public Hall

I enjoyed New Year Asakusa Kabuki, Program II at Asakusa Public Hall with my friends. This New Year performance is the challenging stage for the young Kabuki stars to play the difficult roles which usually great Kabuki actors perform. At the beginning, one of the Kabuki actors gave the briefly explanations to the audience in turn every day as a small special new year gift for the fans of Kabuki. It was Onoe Matsuya’s turn that day. The play lineup was the story about two Sumo wrestlers (The Sumo Match), the meeting of two nice guys with famous sword fighting scene (The famous encounter at Suzugamori) and the comical dance (Battle of Ideas for Sake). Every play was easy to understand, and we can’t help feeling the tense passions of all young Kabuki stars. 

The day was called “Kimono de Kabuki (recommend to wear to the performance),” and the theme made 80 percentiles of the customers be in Kimonos. All staff of the Hall also were working in Kimonos, so the lobby was filled with gorgeous atmosphere. Moreover, I was happy to see the support corner for the kimono beginners. The Kimono expert helpers were there so if somebody had a problem with the Kimono, she can ask them to help to fix it. It was such chilly day, that most ladies wore a coat, stole, and gloves. My friend had a Michiyuki (coat for the kimono), clutch and Zori (sandal for kimono) all in the same pattern. It looked so wonderful that I took a picture of her. 

The event, “Kimono de Kabuki” revived in 5 years, and I hope it will be continued to next year! It is wonderful for the audience to enjoy and cheer on the young Kabuki actor’s challenge in graceful kimonos. 

The unit of Betty and Yoko
Betty; jewelry journalist, enjoys watching stages of Kabuki, Bunraku, Balllet, and so on. Yoko; lived in the U.S.A for 10 years. Loves to introduce Japanese culture to abroad. https://www.instagram.com/bettyoko.kbk/
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2025 / 01 / 19




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2025 / 01 / 19
