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新国立劇場バレエ団のプリンシパルである小野絢子さんは、幼い頃、日本舞踊のお稽古もしていたという異色のキャリアの持ち主。このたび世界文化社から発売された『LOVE Ballerina』では、きもの姿で日本舞踊家の藤間蘭黄さんと対談していただいています。 

重力の存在を感じさせないほど軽やかに繊細に踊る小野絢子さんのイメージに合わせて、 帯は夢訪庵の羽のモチーフをあしらったもの。



この日の劇場には、きもの姿でバレエを楽しんでいらっしゃる方の姿も驚くほどたくさんお見かけしました。オーク材と赤のシートがゴージャスな雰囲気の新国立劇場オペラパレスでは、白っぽいきものが映えることを新発見。 いつか読者の皆さまときものでバレエ鑑賞の機会を設けられたらと夢が膨らみました。 
●『LOVE Ballerina』詳細はこちら>> 

Bettyoko's Kimono Diary 
Go to the Theatre in Kimonos Vol.20
The National Ballet of Japan "Cinderella"

I went to see the Cinderella ballet performed by the National Ballet of Japan. Every girl dreamed to become Cinderella once. In this popular story, vicious stepsisters usually bully Cinderella. This time, The National Ballet of Japan is performing the one with choreographed by Sir Frederic Ashton and it produced new comical impression of wicked stepsisters by making male dancers play the role of, without stepmother. Cinderella (played by Ayako Ono) has graceful and positive impression in the performance. Heartwarming Cinderella lightly dances with holding mop in her hands, and the magic of the fairies of seasons made her ride in the carriage, then she left the house for the ball. Picture is the performance of Cinderella in 2014. Ayako Ono and other dancers showed to be much more skilled dancers, so the audiences excited to see the following acts. 

Finally, the gorgeous ball starts. Cinderella appears in sparkly white dress, and the prince (played by Yudai Fukuoka) falls for her at once. The audiences have same feeling with him. Cinderella leaves the castle when the clock strikes twelve. The prince seeks her with the clue of glass shoe she left and he finds her. They happily get married. 

Ayako Ono is a principal of The National Ballet of Japan. She has unique carrier of the classical Japanese dance training. The visual book "LOVE Ballerina," published from Sekaibunka publishing company, shows the conversation of Rankoh Fujima, the Classical Japanese dancer, and Ayako Ono in kimono. 

Her dance felt as if it is zero gravity, so we selected the wing-designed obi (belt of kimono) from Muhoan. "LOVE Ballerina" introduces the life-style of ten ballerinas. They are sold out at some book sores. Please don't miss it! 

I was so surprised to see many audiences in kimonos in the theatre that day. I found the whitish kimono is eye-catching at the theatre in where oak material and red audience-seats produce the gorgeous atmosphere. I dreamed to have the chance to see ballet with the readers of our magazine in Kimonos some day. 

The unit of Betty and Yoko
Betty; jewelry journalist, enjoys watching stages of Kabuki, Bunraku, Balllet, and so on. Yoko; lived in the U.S.A for 10 years. Loves to introduce Japanese culture to abroad. https://www.instagram.com/bettyoko.kbk/
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2025 / 01 / 19




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2025 / 01 / 19
