ところで、歌舞伎の観劇に欠かせないのが、パンフレット。関東では筋書、関西では番付と呼ばれています。あらすじや出演者の情報に加え、たとえば今月なら代々の中村芝翫の紹介など、読み物も充実しています。そんな筋書がぴったり入る、ボッテガ・ヴェネタの素敵なバッグを知人からいただきました!「IMAGINE BOTTEGA VENETA」と題した日本限定コレクションのバッグは、ナイロン地にバタフライのモチーフがあしらわれ、洋服だけでなく、きものにも似合いそうです。小物を充実させれば、きものでの歌舞伎観劇がますます楽しみになりそうですね。
https://www.instagram.com/bettyoko.kbk/ Bettyoko's Kimono Diary
Go to the Theatre in Kimonos Vol.18
November Grand Kabuki
The commemorative performance of the Name Succession of Nakmura Shikan VIII "SEIZOROI KOTOBUKI RENJISHI" (Father and all Sons Lion Dance celebrating the name Succession) At the Kabukiza theatre, November Grand Kabuki is a commemorative performance of the Name Succession of Nakamura Shikan VIII and his three sons. It is rare that four Kabuki actors take new names at the same time. Moreover Father and three sons' performance, Father and all Sons Lion Dance, also surprised the audience because of the RENJISHI performance of four lions. In this month, the curtain to celebrate the name succession is graphically designed with the names of four actors. When the curtain was opened, the stage sets was the scene of the stone bridge located at the foot of Spiritual Mountain. Shikan and his sons appeared on the stage in the costumes of kyogen actor as the audience applauded at once. The RENJISHI story is popular. The parent lion pushes the cub lion off the cliff, and the parent lion strongly raises the only cub lion, which climbs up the cliff by himself. The comic interlude during the dance is replaced with a special version because of the commemorative performance of the name succession this time, and great Kabuki stars, such as Sakata Tojuro, Kataoka Nizaemon and Nakamura Baigyoku, join the performance. In the last half part, Shikan and his three sons in the costumes of shi-shi, a lion-like spirit, were lifted up to the middle of the stage and performed the powerful lion dance. They dynamically turned their head around in big circle with making their mane go wild in synchronization. While the audience saw this performance, they hoped that all four actors with new names would continue to show excellent performance in the future. What the audience must have at the theatre is the playbill. It is called Sujigaki in the east, and Banzuke in the west part of Japan. It shows the story, cast, and some information about the play. This month's playbill provides the information about Shikan I to VII. So it is not only introduction of the play but also the article that is good enough to read. I found the perfect bag to keep the playbill in it from the shop of Bottega Veneta. This special series is titled "IMAGINE BOTTEGA VENETA", and limited in only Japan. Butterfly motif is designed on the nylon fabric and it fits for Kimonos. If lovely bags and accessories fitting for Kimonos accompany you, it would be more enjoyable to go to the theatre in Kimonos!
The unit of Betty and YokoBetty; jewelry journalist, enjoys watching stages of Kabuki, Bunraku, Balllet, and so on. Yoko; lived in the U.S.A for 10 years. Loves to introduce Japanese culture to abroad.