
中村芝翫、橋之助、福之助、歌之助、四人同時襲名披露「極付 幡随長兵衛」へ


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昼の部の襲名披露狂言「極付 幡随長兵衛」は、男気溢れる町奴のお話。 幕が開くと、そこは江戸の村山座。芝居の最中に旗本の水野十郎左衛門の家臣が乱入して騒ぎ出します。すると客席後方通路から、新・芝翫さん演じる幡随院長兵衛が登場。まさに今自分がいる劇場で、自分が観ているお芝居の途中で発生したハプニングがを長兵衛が解決していくような展開にワクワクします。






歌舞伎のお芝居では、時々こうした舞台上での“生着替え”の場面がありますが、衣裳チェンジまでも心理表現の手段にしてしまう演出は、このお芝居ならでは.必見です。 八代目中村芝翫襲名披露公演は11月も歌舞伎座で、その後、来年の大阪、博多、京都と続きます。 


Go to the Theatre in Kimonos vol.16
October Grand Kabuki Geijyutsu sai "KIWAMETSUKI BANZUI CHOBE" The special performance with the announcement of name succession of Nakamura Shikan VIII at the Kabukiza Theatre in matinee 

During October and November the special performance of the name succession is playing at the Kabukiza Theatre. Nakamura Hashinosuke is taking the new name Nakamura Shikan VIII, and his first son Kunio is taking the new name Nakamura Hashinosuke, the second son Muneo is taking the new name Nakamura Fukunosuke, and the third son Yoshio is taking the new name Nakamura Utanosuke. It has become the popular trend that four actors take new names at the same time. 

Nakamura Shikan VII was legendary renowned Onnagata Kabuki actor (specialist in female role), however new Shikan mainly plays Tachiyaku (male role) since he was named Hashinosuke, and he is expected to challenge the manly and powerful works in the future. 

The Designer Kashiwa Sato who are popular in the logo design and branding of UNIQLO CO.LTD. designed Narikoma family's crest, Gion Mamori(amulet of Yasaka shrine), four actors names and a black thick line painted with writing brush for the celebratory curtain. 

This performance started with the new Kabuki dance work played by Shikan's three sons. Akira Yamaguchi, a new Japanese-style painter, directed the stage sets. I feel that new Shikan tries to infuse new breath into the traditional theatrical art that he inherited and passed on the next generations. 

KIWAMETSUKI BANZUI CHOBE in the matinee is the story of the chivalrous man in the Edo era. When the curtain was opened, Murayama-za, the play theatre appeared on the stage. During the play, a retainer of Mizuno Jurozaemon rushed on the sub stage and interrupted the play. Then Banzuiin Chobe (played by new Shikan) came up the stage from the back of the theatre and the audiences felt like actually being in the theatre in the Edo era and they were exciting to see how Chobe resolve this problem. Chobe drove away Mizuno's retainer, so Mizuno shamed on that and resented Chobe. After Chobe was back home, Mizuno invited him to a party at his mansion. Chobe's retainers stopped Chobe going to the party since they thought it was the Mizuno's plot to kill him, however Chobe rejected their worries and went alone to Mizuno's mansion. Finally, Chobe was attacked in the bathroom by Mizuno and his retainers and met his end. Chobe was manly and bravely at his very end, so it made Mizuno say "He is too good to be killed". 

Kawatake Mokuami wrote this piece and the play was first performed in 1881. In these days samurai society (Samurai ruled the society) was coming to the end and people felt sorry about the samurai seeming to lose samurai spirit, however Chobe looked like the hero because of his chivalrous attitude in spite of his social status as a town people. 

It was painfully sad scene that Chobe's wife, Otoki(played by Nakamura Jakuemon) helped the Chobe to dress up for the party at Jurozaemon's mansion. They prepared in synchronization without saying a word to each other, so we felt the perfect combination between the husband and wife with their long history. At the end of the preparation, Otoki pulled out the last basting yarn on his sleeve. It is usually very happy moment for the new clothes, however it made the scene sadder because it was the preparation for his death. In Kabuki there are some scenes in which the actors actually change the costumes in the play, and it sometimes become an expression the character's feeling. As for this play, this production was so important, so we can't miss it. The special performance of name succession of Nakamura Shikan VIII is going to play at the Kabukiza Theatre in November too, and continues to play in Osaka, Hakata, and Kyoto after that. . 

The unit of Betty and Yoko
Betty; jewelry journalist, enjoys watching stages of Kabuki, Bunraku, Balllet, and so on. Yoko; lived in the U.S.A for 10 years. Loves to introduce Japanese culture to abroad. https://www.instagram.com/bettyoko.kbk/
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2025 / 01 / 19




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2025 / 01 / 19
