ところで「双蝶会」という公演のタイトルは、お二人を含む“播磨屋”の紋である揚羽蝶に由来します。 歌舞伎ファンの中には、ご贔屓の役者さんの紋にちなんだモチーフを身につけて観劇する方がいらっしゃいますが、歌昇さん&種之助さんファンなら蝶の柄、ということになりますね。
写真はグラフのバタフライモチーフのリング。 未来へと羽ばたくお二人の活躍を、きものや帯はもちろん、指輪や帯留など、バタフライモチーフのジュエリーと一緒に応援するのもおすすめです。
https://www.instagram.com/bettyoko.kbk/ Go to the Theatre in Kimonos vol.12
Socho-kai "SUGAWARADENJU TENARAIKAGAMI KURUMAHIKI TERAKOYA" at the National Theatre in the Small Theatre I went to see Socho-kai, which was held at the National Theatre in the Small Theatre. Socho-kai is the recital of the Kabuki actors, Nakamura Kasho and Nakamura Tanenosuke who are brothers. This is the second year of that. They were born in the Heisei era (Heisei naming the current emperor's reign, which began in 1989). Kasho experimented with model, television as well. Tanenosuke started to play the role of a female too and became a good kabuki dancer. This shot was taken last year. They look so handsome. This time, they performed one of the best classical Kabuki pieces and it is a majestic story. KURUMAHIKI is the story of triplets, which came to feud according to their masters. Tanenosuke powerfully played the role of Umeomaru with the Sujiguma Kumadori, a style of make-up that is essential to the stylization of Aragoto style of acting. On the other hand, Kasho generously played the role of Matsuomaru. I enjoyed that the real brothers played the conflict between brothers in the play, as much as the beauty of Kabuki's kata which is stylized forms of acting, from the past that must be preserved. TERAKOYA is the severe story of Matsuomaru who sacrificed his son in order to save the life of the heir of scholar-politician, Sugawarano Michizane. Kasho and Tanenosuke's father, Nakamura Matagoro and Nakamura Kichiemon, who taught them how to play and directed all performances this time, were the best player of TERAKOYA. So they were able to learn how to play so closely and this chance might be the toughest challenge for them. Kasho and Tanenosuke carefully and gently played their own roles and I am looking forward to seeing their performance of this piece at the Great theatre like as the Kabukiza Theatre. The recital's name, Socho-kai comes from their family crest, swallowtail. The Kabuki fans come to see the performances with putting their favorite Kabuki actor's family crest on their fashion sometimes. The fans of Kasho and Tanenosuke should pick up the design of a butterfly. The picture is butterfly motif ring from Graff. How about wishing their success in the future with wearing their family crest, butterfly motif on your kimonos, obis(belt for kimono) and jewelries like a ring?
The unit of Betty and YokoBetty; jewelry journalist, enjoys watching stages of Kabuki, Bunraku, Balllet, and so on. Yoko; lived in the U.S.A for 10 years. Loves to introduce Japanese culture to abroad.