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父方のお祖父さまである尾上菊五郎さん、母方のお祖父さまである中村吉右衛門さんをはじめ、おめでたい初御目見得を寿ぐ豪華俳優陣が、ずらり。どこを見れば良いのか迷ってしまうほど賑やかです。 芸者衆の艶やかな舞、鳶の者の立回りに獅子舞…と見どころたくさんの舞踊が続き、いよいよ花道を菊之助さんと共に寺嶋和史ちゃんが登場!

© 松竹

眩しいのか恥ずかしかったのか、最初は手でお顔を隠していましたが、幕が閉じる頃には客席に向かってしっかり手をふってくれました。(ちなみにその後、5月8日に再び観劇した際にはちゃんと舞台に座り、手をついてご挨拶も。お子さんの成長の素晴らしさにまたまた感激しました) 満員の客席は、どなたもニコニコ顔。舞台上で手をふる和史ちゃんに向かって、観客も揃って手をふる光景も、歌舞伎座ではなかなか見ることのできない珍しい光景です。

親から子へ、孫へと家の芸を受け継いでいく歌舞伎では、ご贔屓の役者さんが結婚し、子どもが生まれ、成長していくのを見守り、応援していくのもファンの楽しみの一つ。 寺嶋和史ちゃんの役者人生の第一歩の目撃者となった今月のお客様は、この後、彼が二十歳になり、五十歳になり、七十、八十歳になり、名優と呼ばれるたびに、今日のことを思い出すことになるのでしょう。 

ここでもう一つ注目したいのが、和史ちゃんの二人のお祖父さま、尾上菊五郎さんと中村吉右衛門さんが着ていた、鳶頭の“首抜き(くびぬき)”と呼ばれる衣裳。 白地に菊五郎さんは音羽屋の四つ輪、吉右衛門さんは播磨屋の揚羽蝶の家紋が大きく染め抜かれた粋な拵えです。 家の芸を重んじる歌舞伎の世界では、舞台で使用する衣裳やかんざし、手拭、小道具などのあちこちに役者さんの紋が用いられますが、なかでもこの衣裳は大胆でグラフィカルなデザインですね。 


Go to the theatre in Kimonos, vol.6
May Grand Kabuki Dan-Kiku sai
"KIOI JISHI OTOWA NO HANAKAGO"at the Kabukiza theatre in the evening show

Just the middle of the Golden Week holiday, 2nd May, I went to see May Grand Kabuki Dangiku Festival. It was the opening day. 

Dan-Kiku sai has been performed to praise the achievement of the famous Kabuki actors, Ichikawa Danjuro IX and Onoe Kikugoro V, who took efforts to modernize the Kabuki, since 1936. 

This year, the highlight of this performance is the first appearance on stage of Terajima Kazufumi, Onoe Kikunosuke's first son! 

He is just two and half years old. At the interview, a press asked him favorite food and he answered, "I like broccoli and pumpkin". To the next question, his dream in the future, he said " To-to (his father)". He showed such an adorable childishness on the TV news show. Then all Kabuki goers were looking forward to seeing how he act his first appearance on the Kabukiza stage. 

When the curtain was opened, I saw the scenery of the Kanda Myojin on the stage. It was the place where I made the coverage of the Onoe Kikunosuke's wedding ceremony and his first son's "Omiyamairi"(visit shrine) ceremony, for the magazine,"Kimono Salon". I was touched seeing the familiar scenery set for Kazufumi's memorable first stage. Onoe Kikugoro (paternal grandfather), Nakamura Kichiemon (maternal grandfather) and other great Kabuki actors are in the row on the stage! It was too many brilliant stars to see in one act. I saw a fascinating dance by geisha, a comic dance by fire fighting gangs ,and a mad dance by Shishimai (lion dance). Many festive dances are continued and finally Kazufumi appeared on the stage with his father! 

At the beginning, he covered his face with both hands for the dazzling light or bashfulness, but at the end, he waved to the audience. (Later, I went to see this stage on 8th May again, and he changed! He neatly sat down next to his father and bowed with putting both hands in front of him on the stage. I amazed that children show fast improvement) The theatre was filled with the audience's smiles, and I rarely see the audiences waving back to a child actor. 

Not only do the Kabuki fans support their favorite Kabuki actors, but they also track the actor's growth, marriage, family, and how well the traditional theater techniques get passed on to their grandson. This is another fascinating point of the Kabuki, in which every family has a different unique way of acting and expressing each scene. This month's audience is the witness of Terajima Kazufumi's first step as a Kabuki actor. They will recall this stage seeing him in his 20's, 50's, 70's, 80's and shall be called a great actor. 

I want to tell about the costumes called "Kubinuki" too. Kazufumi's two grandfathers, the role of the head of firefighting gangs, wore "Kubinuki" that dyed large family emblems( Kikugoro's four rings and Kichiemon's butterfly) on the white cloth. And they looked very sophisticated in the costumes! Among the Kabuki actors, they often put their family emblem design on their costumes, Kanzashi (female hair accessory), Tenugui (Japanese towel), and properties, because they always stand for their own family on the Kabuki stage. This costume is especially dynamic and graphical design, isn't it? When we order a new kimono, we sometimes put the family emblem design on the back, sleeves, and chests. I would suggest that you design the family emblem patterns on your kimono or devise a Sharemon (crest designed for fashion), not only for refracting an occasion's formality, but also for expressing your family and identity. 

The unit of Betty and Yoko
Betty; jewelry journalist, enjoys watching stages of Kabuki, Bunraku, Balllet, and so on. Yoko; lived in the U.S.A for 10 years. Loves to introduce Japanese culture to abroad. https://www.instagram.com/bettyoko.kbk/
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2025 / 01 / 18




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2025 / 01 / 18
