
新作歌舞伎「幻想神空海 沙門空海唐の国にて鬼と宴す」へ


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『きものSalon 2016春夏号』の特集「海の更紗 砂漠の更紗」では、 インドやペルシャ、ヨーロッパから渡ってきた模様や技法を用いた更紗の装いをご紹介しています。 


新作歌舞伎が上演されるたび「この演目が繰り返し上演され、いつか“古典”と呼ばれるようになれば」とおっしゃる市川染五郎さんですが、 きものもまた、時代の中で創造された新しいスタイルが、後の世の定番となっていくもの。 演目に合わせ工夫を凝らしたたオリジナルなコーディネートが、次の時代の観劇ファッションとなっていったら素敵ですね。 



Go to the theatre in Kimonos Vol.3 
April Grand Kabuki "GENSOSHIN KUKAI" at the Kabuki theatre in the evening show 

A famous novelist Baku Yumemakura published the story "GENSOSHIN KUKAI-Shamon Kukai Touno kuninite oni to utagesu" in 2010 after 17 years of hard work. It came to the stage performance as a new Kabuki product. 

Ichikawa Somegoro, the Kabuki actor played the main role. He has been challenging for the new Kabuki as "ONMYOJI"and "ATERUI" This story is a fantasy that Kukai, a young monk, came to China as a member of Japanese envoy to Tang Dynasty China with a friend Tachibana no Hayanari and searched for the mystery of Yokihi (the queen of Tang Dynasty China). 

Xi'an, the capital town of Tan, was a cosmopolitan city where the western culture spread to China through this town. It is exciting and the street entertainer performs the Persian dance at the city with many mixed cultures. There is a Kabuki play "KEZORI" which we can enjoy the scenery of Nagasaki and Hakata, the final destination of the spreading culture in Japan. 

In this new play, the costumes of Nakamura Jakuemon, the role of Yokihi (the queen of Tang Dynasty China) have raffles, races and wears earrings. They are very glamorous! When we see this play, consider putting the oriental essence design, inspired by the Silk Road, into our kimonos or kimono belts. 

"Kimono Salon" spring and summer edition is now on sale and introduces how to dress up with SARASA chintz from India, Persia and Europe in the featured column "SARASA chintz from the sea, SARASA chintz from desert" 

Ichikawa Somegoro, the Kabuki actor always said "We will perform this new Kabuki play time after time, and hope it will be classic someday". Kimono's new coordination based on time will also be the basic style in the future. It is nice that the originally designed Kimono coordination is inspired by the Kabuki play becoming the basic style for going to the theatre in the future. 

The unit of Betty and Yoko
Betty; jewelry journalist, enjoys watching stages of Kabuki, Bunraku, Balllet, and so on. Yoko; lived in the U.S.A for 10 years. Loves to introduce Japanese culture to abroad. https://www.instagram.com/bettyoko.kbk/
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2025 / 01 / 18




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2025 / 01 / 18
