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Bettyokoのきもの日記 第39回

新橋演舞場「スーパー歌舞伎Ⅱ ワンピース」

新橋演舞場で10月、11月の2ヶ月にわたって上演されている「スーパー歌舞伎Ⅱ ワンピース」。3億5000万部以上の累計発行部数を誇る国民的人気漫画 「ONE PIECE」が2015年に歌舞伎化されて大反響を呼び、今回は、さらにパワーアップしての公演です。

© 尾田栄一郎/集英社・スーパー歌舞伎Ⅱ『ワンピース』 パートナーズ

ご存じのように市川猿之助さんが怪我をされ休演中のため、主演のルフィ、ハンコックを務めるのは花形役者の尾上右近さん。さらに、坂東巳之助さん、中村隼人さん、坂東新悟さんという20代の役者さんたちが舞台を盛り上げています。もともと若手を抜擢した特別マチネ公演「麦わらの 挑戦」のキャストだったということもあり、息もぴったり。エンターテイメント性に満ちた、熱く、楽しい舞台でした。


幕間のお弁当も「麦わらの一味」と呼ばれるルフィと仲間たちが乗る船の帆に描かれたマークをあしらった、楽しいものでした。 大舞台で、満席のお客様から浴びた拍手と喝采は、若手の役者さんたちをひと回りもふた回りも大きくする糧となることでしょう。

10月に松屋銀座で開催されていた「壱の蔵 秋の逸品展」で見つけた、久米島紬、ゆうな染めの船の帯。役者さんたちの未来に向けた“船出”とも言える舞台を応援しに行くのに、ぴったりですね。「スーパー歌舞伎Ⅱ ワンピース」は新橋演舞場での公演の後、来年には大阪松竹座、名古屋御園座での上演も決まっています。市川猿之助さんの一日も早いご回復をお祈りしつつ、花形役者さんたちの更なる“大航海”の行方も見届けたいものです。


Bettyoko’s Kimono Diary
Go to the theatres in Kimonos Vol. 39
Super Kabuki One Piece II at the Shinbashi Enbujo Theatre

Super Kabuki One Piece II is playing at the Shinbashi Enbujo Theater between October and November. This play is based on the story of the huge successful manga series turned into Kabuki play in 2015. The first performance had high acclaim, and now it is upgraded form with new directions.
As you know the leading actor Ichikawa Ennnosuke was injured and absent from the stage, so the young actor Onoe Ukon is playing the leading role Luffy/Hancock. The other 20’s young actors, Bando Minosuke, Nakamura Hayato and Bando Shingo play impressive supporting roles and they all make this stage so exciting and miraculous entertainment together.

The story is marine adventure in which the hero Luffy and his pals explore the ocean in search of the ultimate treasure called “One Piece”. The stage is the complete fusion of new stage effect such as a song of popular unit singer “Yuzu “or movies and the classic Kabuki directions such as quick costume changes or fighting scene in the real water. The most impressive part of them is that the young Kabuki actors perfectly play their own roles with showing their abilities cultivated in Kabuki performances.

The lunch box in the intermission has pretty design of the mark on the sail of the ship which Luffy and his crews called Straw Hat Pirates are boarding. The audience’s loud applause will make them grow increasingly great actors.

Pictured here is the kumejima tsumugi (a kind of pongee woven in Kumejima) -yuuna zome(a kind of dyeing)obi which was on show at the kimono shop Ichinokura in “Ichinokura Aki no Shuuitsutenn”(autumn exhibition of excellent kimonos by Ichinokura) held at the Ginza Matsuya department store in October. It is perfect obi to go to cheer up the young actors on the stage just like a sailing for their future. Super Kabuki One Piece II is scheduled to be performed in Osaka Shochikuza Theatre and Nagoya Misonoza Theatre next year. We wish for Ichikawa Ennnosuke to recover soon, and watch the direction of the young actors’ sailing.

The unit of Betty and Yoko
Betty; jewelry journalist, enjoys watching stages of Kabuki, Bunraku, Balllet, and so on. Yoko; lived in the U.S.A for 10 years. Loves to introduce Japanese culture to abroad. https://www.instagram.com/bettyoko.kbk/

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2025 / 01 / 18




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2025 / 01 / 18
